How The Media Can Help Artists

D.I.Y. is all around and that’s cool. But being self-marketers does not mean artists should strictly do without all the things that labels do. Using “regular media” often gets neglected within the social media hype. There is more to that…

The Big Challenge
Whether it is an artists goal to win new fans, concert goers, buyers or subscribers it all comes down to finding and reaching out to people likely to like their music. Social media has its limitations because of the way most of us, especially the non-expert users are using it. Reaching new potential fans through social media sites always depends on factors such as time (when to post), place (in which groups to post) and engagement (our friends’ willingness – and understanding – to share). So artists should definitely consider additional avenues to drive “traffic” to their websites. One such avebue is using “regular” media.

Using Regular Media
Regular media don’t have to be the leading print magazines. Within the do-it-yourself-on-social-media frenzy even blogs and webzines have slipped out of many musicians’ focus. In fact, though, many stylistically dedicated webzines and blogs attract anything from 100 to 10.000 unique readers a day – fans of a certain type of music. Artists should definitely put themselves in front of those readers. And since both major and indie labels can hardly saturate the demands in certain market niches, most webzines and blogs are more than willing to feature D.I.Y. artists. The die-hards will appreacite new reviews, interviews or news releases and thereby get to know new music.

Media contacts are being made one by one by simply calling or emailing the respective editors or writers with either a well-crafted press release or a request for a review or interview. Professionally lining out the who, what, why, when and where as well as politeness and an understanding of their work go a long way.

More Media
Besides blogs and webzines there are more media artists can use to promote themselves such as (online) radio, print magazines and local newspapers. Still online media may be the most efficient as they allow readers to quickly click through to an artist’s website (if there’s a link provided) or at least look them up in search engines. The artist’s website should then provide a new visitor with all necessary options: listening to music, buying music, newsletter and social media links.

There are many ways to get your name and music out. Use as many of them as you can, especially when it comes to such an effective promotional tool as media coverage. Besides its wide reach being cxovered by certain “trusted” media adds credibility to what you do. And your chances of being featured are good, because – as mentioned above – especially online media are very open towards unsigned artists.

To your success…

– Julian Angel
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About MusicBizMadness

Julian Angel is a chart-noted songwriter and film musician with Hollywood credits. He has successfully released six (physical) records by himself. MusicBiz Madness started as a business conference in Germany and keeps sharing hands-on advice for musicians and people in the music industry.
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