Tag Archives: selling music

How to put your Music up for sale effectively

We have to make it easy for customers to make a purchase. If a bricks and mortar store door is closed, if we have to shout for a shop attendee to help us, if certain products aren’t visible, our conscience … Continue reading

Posted in Music Business, Music Distribution, Music Marketing, Music Promotion, Social Media | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Being ‘proactive’ means to influence and determine the development and outcome of an event by effectively planning ahead and taking action respectively. In short: Take action yourself to get the best out of something. We will talk about how and … Continue reading

Posted in General, Music Promotion, Playing live | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Make buying your music easy

Imagine this: you enter a store, point at a product on the shelf, present your money and the attendant tells you “come again tomorrow”. Would you really come back the other day? I bet you’d rather find another place to … Continue reading

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