What You Should Know About Your Fans

Fans who love music by unsigned artists distinguish themselves from ordinary music consumers who only follow what’s on the charts. We have compiled a few facts about such fans which you should know and take into account when you release your next album, set up your marketing campaign or simply communicate with your fans.

Fans who buy music from unsigned artists…

  • are usually music lovers, maniacs and collectors
  • see a certain style of music as part of their lifestyle
  • buy music directly from the artist,…
  • …however, they like the purchase to be fast and smooth as if they were buying from Amazon or iTunes
  • like physical records and spezial editions (e.g. Heavy Metal sales are up to 90% physical)
  • intensively delve into the music, the lyrics and the artists who created it
  • are interested in the artists, stories about and photos of them
  • like personal contacts, e.g. personal answers to their questions
  • don’t like pushy sales pitches every time you communicate with them
  • like unusual individual merchandise
  • like autographs even from unknown artists

Add to this the characteristics of every special market niche such as design, lifestyle or language. Just be aware that fans of unsigned musicians like, expect and deserve a treatment that’s different from how you would treat a mass consumer.

Things like the “fear trigger” (“buy know before price goes up”) or permanent superlatives (“the hottest newcomer”, “the album of the year”) don’t really click with that audience which focuses on the emotional side of the artist-fan relationship too much to be treated like unsuspecting consumers.

You better appeal to their emotions, preferences and lifestyle and thereby prove that you are one of them, totally understand their needs and thus deliver exactly what they wish for in order to enrich their lives.

To your success…

– Julian Angel
Music Business Marketing Tips

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About MusicBizMadness

Julian Angel is a chart-noted songwriter and film musician with Hollywood credits. He has successfully released six (physical) records by himself. MusicBiz Madness started as a business conference in Germany and keeps sharing hands-on advice for musicians and people in the music industry.
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